Sanatorium Hospital/Clinic Management System
Sanatorium Hospital / Clinic Management System is powerful, flexible, easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. And more importantly it is backed by reliable and dependable support.

Our Hospital Management System is designed for hospitals, to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management processes. It is an integrated end–to-end Hospital Management System that provides relevant information across the hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical financial accounting, in a seamless flow.

Patient information

The Patient information module is an integrated patient management system, which captures complete and relevant patient information. The system automates the patient administration functions to have better and efficient patient care process.

  • Patient Information
  • Inpatient and Outpatient Registration
  • Appointment Scheduling (Patient / Doctor wise)
  • Doctor's Schedule Summary
  • Patient Visit History
  • Patient Visit Slip
  • Sponsorship Details

It provides for enquiries about the patient, the patient's location, admission, and appointment scheduling and discharge details. Furthermore, this system even takes care of package deals for a patient for a fixed cost. Medical Record keeps an abstract of clinical data about patients. It allows easy retrieval of medical records on patients.

Outpatient Management

The Outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule an appointment with the Hospital Resident Doctor or Consultant Doctor for Medical Consultations and diagnosis. This module supports doctors to take better and timely consultation decisions by providing instant access to comprehensive patient information. Patient visits are divided into New, Follow-up and Review. This module also handles requests and results of laboratory tests and other examinations. External Doctors visit to in patients can be defined as "Call on". Some patients may avail only the hospital facilities like Lab, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Physiotherapy and so on.

  • Diagnosis Details
  • Patient’s Appointments
  • Daily Schedule Summary
  • Appointment Scheduling / Rescheduling Facility
  • Outpatient Medical Observation Details
  • Investigation / Treatment History
  • Clinical Service Details
  • Group / Package Registration Facility
  • Common Billing Clinical Services
  • Doctor’s Diagnosis Statistics

Further more, Confidentiality of Doctors Observation, Previous History of Patients Visit, Online Prescription, Online Request for Investigations and so on, are the special features in Doctors Observation screen. This system calculates the cost for the services rendered to the patient and reflects in the billing module appropriately resulting in smooth billing process.

Inpatient Management

The inpatient module is designed to take care of all the activities and functions pertaining to Inpatient Management. This module automates the day-to-day administrative actives and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care. It provides comprehensive data pertaining to Admission of Patients & Ward Management: Availability of beds, Estimation, Agreement preparation, Collection of advance, Planned admission, Emergency admission and so on. The Inpatient module also deals with Ward Management: Shifting from one ward to the other, Bed availability, Surgery, Administration of drugs, nursing notes, charge slip and so on.

  • Admission Cost Estimation
  • Admission Approval
  • Nursing Notes


Pharmacy module deals with the automation of general workflow and administration management process of a pharmacy. The pharmacy module is equipped with bar coding facility, which makes the delivery of medical items to the patient more efficient. This module deals with the activities such as:

  • Enquiry
  • Quotation
  • Purchase order
  • Online approval
  • Pharmacy drug configuration
  • Pharmacy stores configuration
  • Drug issue to patients and billing
  • Supplier information
  • Maintenance of drug inventory
  • Purchase Order
  • Maintenance of stock at different sub-stores
  • Item Expiry Reports
  • Destruction of expired items
  • Physical stock verification and adjustment
  • Goods receipt
  • Stock Transfer (inter store stock transfer)
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Stock in Hand reports

In addition the Online prescription facility assists and facilitates the physicians to track the patient's prescription details and as well reflects the medication billing details in the Billing module.
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