ERP Solutions
ERP stands for "Enterprise Resource Planning". ERP software integrates all of your major business processes, which helps ensure consistent data across all your functional departments. ERP applications typically consist of modules such as Marketing and Sales, Field Service, Production, Inventory Control, Procurement, Distribution, Human Resources, Finance, and Accounting.

As an ERP software vendor, POSone offers a variety of ERP solutions that help companies in a wide spectrum of subsectors automate, plan, collaborate, and execute according to their unique business requirements. Built on an open, flexible, service-oriented architecture (SOA) with modern, web-based user interfaces, our scalable ERP solutions never lock you in to one mode of operating. Instead, they offer a breadth of functionality that enables you to automate key manufacturing and financial processes, meet fluctuating customer demand and compliance requirements, and collaborate internally as well as externally across your supply chain-all at a low total cost of ownership. Lean manufacturing capabilities are built in to our ERP solutions to minimize waste and increase quality and productivity; strong aftermarket service capabilities expedite service management.

Our POSone Solutions are specifically designed to address common PeopleSoft application functionality needs with a unique bolt-on design that can be readily configured and installed to meet each client’s needs. Our solutions are very repeatable and quick to implement, with little or no impact to existing code and future upgrades. Our clients and partners find our solutions to be an incredibly cost-effective, robust and innovative alternative to avoid costly customizations and accelerate any PeopleSoft project, implementation or upgrade.


Increased operational efficiency
Improved customer satisfaction
Enables better decision making and forecasting
Provides support for business growth
Scalable and flexible solutions providing for future changes
Better tracking of inventory
Provides a centralized framework for all business processes
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