Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Systems
PosOne offers a wide range of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems and accessories to help reduce shoplifting losses in retail stores and book theft in libraries. This systems are used anywhere there is a chance of theft from small items to large. By placing an EAS tag on an item, it is not necessary to hide the item behind locked doors and so makes it easier for the consumer to review the product. Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems emerge as the times require preventing the article loss. Decades of practicing experience have been proven that EAS is an effective way to protect your merchandise against shoplifters. After applying the EAS system, the high shrink items closed in counter before could be open to customers and customers can enjoy their shopping without any attention by shop assistants, both of these help retailers to reduce their loss and increase their sales.

The application of EAS brings a lot of convenience to customers and consumers:

To Retailers:

Deter thieves
Open shelf to lie the items, increase the sales
Save the labor to stick labels
Improve the profit at each sales area

To Consumers:

Enjoy the shopping once the goods lie out in the open shelf
Easy and free shopping environment stimulate consumers purchasing desire


High resistance
Excellent detection properties
Visual deterrent to theft
Easy to apply
Easy to remove at the point-of-sale
Available in white, ivory and black
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